Below are our six most popular color choices (on alder) for our stained wood doors. You are not limited to these colors only, however, can help you work with our finishing partners to create a stain color that fits the style of your home.
Below are some popular wood options for our custom doors. Achieving a specific color and style requires selecting the right wood for each purpose and understanding how that wood will be finished. Our experts can help you make the right choices and help you create your perfect door!
Finishing Process: Great Northern Door finishes our wood products at Brush Masters, Inc. If you choose to finish your wood door, we recommend following the the following steps. (Step 1: Old Masters Wiping Stain, Step 2: Apply Clear Waterbase 2K Isolator, Step 3: Apply KLIMA UNICO Clear Self Sealer) Pease review these Technical Data Sheets for complete detailed information.
Wood Species
Alternative Composite Doors Colors
Our Alternative Composite doors are currently available in these 10 realistic wood-look colors:
DURA-EEZ™ Alternate Composite Paint Options
Great Northern Door recommends Sherwin Williams, Exterior 100% acrylic latex paints:
Emerald® Exterior Acrylic Latex
Duration® Exterior Acrylic Latex
Resilience® Exterior Acrylic Latex
What colors can I paint my DURA-EEZ™ Composite doors?
It’s important that you do not adjust or customize colors. If you want to use a color not shown here, you must ensure it has an LRV (Light Reflective Value) of 55 and above, and it must be a Sherwin Williams Vinyl Safe paint.
If the color is not on this page and has a LRV below 55 or you do not know the LRV it should not be used on Great Northern Door products. If your paint has an LRV of less than 55 or if you want black paint, you must use Sherwin Williams AquaSurTech solar reflective product.